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The holidays are a busy time of the year for all. The stores are packed, there are numerous holiday obligations, some must travel to see loved ones, and more. It can be a lot to manage. However, it’s essential to take a step back and remember how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe throughout the hectic holiday season. Our team at Mitchell & West, LLC has put together this information about traffic safety that you should consider whenever you are out and about this holiday season.

Travel Considerations for the Holidays

Plan Ahead

With so much going on, it can be difficult to carve out time to plan your holidays. However, it’s important to take time at the beginning of the holiday season to figure out all of your travel obligations, how you’ll be traveling to and from (car, plane, etc.), and what you need to do prior to your trip. This planning will give you the necessary time to get things in order, including things that can help you stay safe on your travels.

You should also put together an emergency kit that includes a blanket, water, snacks, first aid supplies, and more necessary items that you may need in case of an emergency or extreme traffic delay.

Car Maintenance

Speaking of things you should plan in advance, it’s crucial to ensure your car is well maintained before any travel. This means making sure there are no big repairs you need to get done before your trip. You also need to check the little details like your tire pressure, window cleanliness, windshield wiper fluid supply, and more. Low tire pressure can be a major risk to drivers, as can low visibility from dirty windshields. Don’t start a long trip without ensuring that these factors are all in order.

Avoiding Peak Travel Times

More drivers on the road means a higher chance of being involved in an accident. If you can, plan to travel during less popular times. This may require leaving early in the morning, but it can help you avoid dangerous and congested roads on your trip.

Be Wary of Drunk Driving

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s are all holidays that lead to an increase in alcohol consumption. This directly results in a higher number of impaired drivers out on the road. When you are traveling home at night, steer clear of drivers who are showing signs of impairment through reckless behavior. If you have a bad feeling about a certain car, follow your intuition and keep a safe distance from them.

Get a Good Night Sleep Before Your Trip

Driving while tired can be just as dangerous as driving while drunk. Don’t stay up late the night before a long trip– you’ll feel the consequences of this the next day. While there may be a lot to prepare, you don’t want to sacrifice your sleep in exchange for getting things done. This can end up putting you at higher risk of being involved in a car accident.

Stay In Communication With Loved Ones

Let your family and friends know what time you are departing and when you are expected to arrive. Also, let them know when you have made rest stops. This way, your loved ones can keep tabs on your travel and can seek help if something goes wrong on your trip. Additionally, they can contact you with important information about weather or traffic changes. It can be a good idea to share your cell phone location with a loved one so they can track you throughout the course of your drive.

Mitchell & West, LLC Wish You Safe Travels This Holiday Season

Taking the above steps can help you stay safe as you prepare for upcoming car travel this holiday season. Remember to prioritize your safety; if you are late or a bit scattered, your loved ones will understand.

If you are unfortunately involved in an auto accident this winter, our attorneys at Mitchell & West, LLC can help you explore your legal options regarding a personal injury lawsuit. You can reach us at (305) 783-3301 or online.

Happy Holidays!
